About me: Born in 4 Feb. 1974 in Tehran, I am a high energy physicist at IPM (give a link). I entered Sharif University of Technology (give a link) in Fall 1990, received BSc in physics in 1994 and PhD in Feb. 1998, in theoretical high energy physics. I then worked as postdoctoral research associate at IPM (till Sept. 1999), at ICTP (till Sept. 2001) and Stanford ITP (till Sept. 2004). I joined IPM as a faculty member in December 2004. Since July 2005 I am a Professor of physics at IPM. Research Interest: I am working on various aspects of high energy physics, mainly theory and early universe cosmology areas. Teaching: I have given several PhD and advanced courses in high energy physics. The lecture notes and audio files of some of these courses may be found HERE (give link).