Open day at school of physics

Wednesday 30 December 2015 was an open day at school of physics. As our first experience we hosted about 80 undergraduate and graduate students from Iran university of science and technology and Sharif university of technology. Our open day was aimed at:
1) introducing our research groups, their research directions and our research facilities,
2) meeting our PhD students and postdoctoral associates,
3) contacting directly with our faculty members as leaders of our research groups.

The first part of the program was a series of 15 minutes lectures. After an introductory talk given by the head of the school, we had four talks introducing a part of research directions in our school:
1) Cosmology (by Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Movahed, part time researcher and faculty member of SBU),
2) Theoretical Condensed Matter (Seyed Akbar Jafari, part time researcher and faculty member of STU),
3) Foundation of Physics (Jalaledin Yousefi, postdoctoral associate),
4) Experimental Physics at Carbon Lab. (Azizollah Shafiekhani, head of the lab. and faculty member of Alzahra University).

All speakers tried to introduce their research groups and at the end of each talk they answered the questions of the participants.
The second part of the program was dedicated to free discussion between participants and members of the school. In about 45 minutes, the participants had the opportunity to gain information about life as a student or postdoc at school of physics.
This open day program was chosen to coincide with department's monthly Colloquium. The colloquium was given by M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari titled "Hundred years with general relativity". He reviewed the history of General Relativity and discussed about its current status. The participants had formally half an hour for asking their questions and of course much more informally.
We hope that from now on we have an open day with a public announcement annually. All suggestions or comments about the previous program are welcome.
The school of physics would like to thank Ali-Akbar Abolhassani (part time member of the department) and Ali Mollabashi (postdoctoral fellow of the department for helping with the arrangements of the open day.

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