High Energy Theory Group


Theoretical High Energy Physics (HEP-TH) deals with developing theoretical and mathematical frameworks needed in physical model buildings, especially in particle physics and cosmology areas, and/or addressing the issues and shortcomings of the existing frameworks. Currently Einstein's General Relativity  (GR) and Quantum Field Theory (QFT) constitute the foundations upon which our particle physics and cosmology are built. Solutions to GR are typically singular (like black holes and in Big Bang cosmology) and our knowledge of QFT is generically limited to the weakly coupled regime where perturbation theory is applicable. Moreover, there are regimes of physical interest where Quantum Theory and GR should be put together like questions regarding physics of black holes  (BHs) and around the Big Bang.

Gravitational waves (GW) is one of the predictions of GR that has been observationally confirmed in mergers of massive astronomical objects, like BH-BH or BH-star mergers or defused GWs from stochastic sources. It expected that GWs can be produced during the evolution of the Universe, in the inflationary period or in phase transitions. Studying GWs, their formation and detection has become a very active research area in the last decade. 


HEP-TH & GWs group of IPM school of theoretical physics are exploring further development of existing frameworks to address the questions in GR and/or QFT as well as studying GW and their detection potentials. In particular, we are exploring questions regarding the basic structure of spacetime, physics of black holes, and aspects of AdS/CFT duality, gravitational waveforms and memory effects. 

The HEP-TH group of IPM consists of :

Full Time Researchers:

  -  Ali Seraj, Mohammad Mehdi Sheikh-Jabbari

Part Time Researchers: 

 ●  Resident
  -  Mohammad Hassan Vahidinia
Postdoctoral Research Associates
  -  Ida Rasulian, Vahid Taghiloo, Reza Javadinezhad
Research Students:
  -  Mojtaba Najafizadeh
Research Interests:

The research interests of the group span almost all the lively areas in the field such as:
AdS/CFT correspondence and its variants; black holes, their classical and semiclassical aspects (black hole micro states and information problem), gravitational waveforms and memory effect, etc. 


   1.   http://www.superstringtheory.com
   2.   http://www.arxiv.org
   3.   http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/hep


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