

IPM School on Higher Spin Theory
 School of physics, IPM, Tehran, Iran
 15-19 February, 2016 (26-30 Bahman 1394)  

Title of Talks

 D. Francia

General introduction and motivations; wave eqs for irreps of the Poincare’ group; free Lagrangians; connections and curvatures, Bargmann-Wigner-like eqs 
(A)dS space; unitarity bounds; massless and partially-massless irreps; Lagrangians; mixed-symmetry particles and Brink-Metsaev-Vasiliev mechanism
Differential forms, Cartan gravity in flat and (A)dS spaces, MMSW action, frame-like Higher Spin: towards Higher Spin algebra

X. Bekaert 

No-go results 
Cubic vertices from Noether method, Metsaev bounds on derivatives, Fradkin-Vasiliev mechanism
Aspects of Higher Spin holography


1.1 Group theory (singletons, enveloping algebras and HS representations, oscillators) -- 30"
1.2  Cartan integrable systems (free differential algebras, integrability from gauge symmetry, Alexandrov–Kontsevich–Schwarz–Zaboronsky formalism) -- 30"
1.3  Unfolding Fronsdal fields (free spin 0,1,2 and s>2)"
Classical HS gravity in 4D
2.1 Vasiliev´s equations (perturbative gauging, deformed oscillators, Lorentz symmetry) -- 45"
2.2 Solution space (gauge functions, normal versus Weyl order, instantons, black holes and massless particles) -- 45"
Quantization and strings
3.1 Frobenius-Chern-Simons model (dynamical two-form, superconnection, AKSZ action, HS amplitudes and free energy) -- 30"
3.2 2D Poisson sigma models (Kontsevich star product, Cattaneo-Felder model, fermion model and p-forms, gauged model, HS amplitudes) -- 30"
3.3 Tensionless strings (AdS centrifuge, string partons, two-parton states and 2D PSM) "
D. Francia Audio File 1 Note
Audio File 2 Note
Audio File 3 Note
X. Bekaert  Audio File 1 Note
Audio File 2 Note
Audio File 3 Note
P. Sundell Audio File 1 Note
Audio File 2 Note
Audio File 3 Note


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