

RCHEP 1403
Iranian Conference on High Energy Physics
Deciphering the Universe Ciphers

School of Physics, IPM
September 30th-October 2nd, 2024 (9-11 Mehr,1403)

Planery Speakers
Yashar Akrami (IFT, Madrid)
Ahmed Almheiri (NYU, Abu Dhabi)
Cliff Burgess (McMaster U. and Perimeter Inst.)

Marc Henneaux (Intl. Solvay Inst. and  Brussels U., PTM and CECS)

Michele Maltoni (IFT, Madrid)

David Nichols (Virginia U.)
Stefano Profumo (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Misao Sasaki (Yukawa Inst., Kyoto U.)
Sebastian Trojanowski (Copernicus Astron Ctr, Warsaw)
Parallel Sessions Speakers

Saeed Abbaslu (IPM, Tehran)

Nicolás Bernal (NYU, Abu Dhabi)
Sovan Chakraborty (Indian Inst. Tech, Guwahati, India)
Yuber F. Perez-Gonzalez (IPPP, Durham U., UK)
Masud Mehedi (Chung-Ang U., Seul and  IBS, Darjeon, Korea)
Manibrata Sen (MPIK, Heidelberg)

Adrià Gómez-Valent (ICC, Barcelona U.)

Tomi Koivisto (Inst. of Phys., Uni. of Tratu)
Kohei Kamada (IBS, Daejeon)
Mohammad Malekjani (Bu Ali Sina U.)
Ranjini Mondol (IIS, Bangalore)
Krzysztof Jan Turzynski (University of Warsaw)
Aritra Banerjee (Birla Inst. Tech. Sci. India)
Batoul Banihashemi (UC Santa Cruz)
Luca Ciambelli (Perimeter Inst. Theo. Phys.)
Reza Javadinezhad (New York Uni & IPM)
Ida Rasulian (School of physics, IPM)
Vahid Taghiloo (School of physics, IPM)


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