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  [Search Papers]
1311. A. Mirjalili and K. Keshavarzian,
The NLO QCD Calculation of Sea Quark Distributions in the CORGI Approach, Based on the Constituent Quark Model
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 22(2007), 4519-4535  [abstract]   
1312. N. Ahmadi, S. Khoeini Moghaddam and M. Nouri-Zonoz,
Quantum Gravitational Optics in the Field of a Gravitomagnetic Monopole
J. Phys.: Conf. Series 67(2007), 012056  [abstract]   
1313. S. Rahvar and M.S. Movahed,
Power-Law Parameterized Quintessence Model
Phys. Rev. D 75(2007), 023512  [abstract] link: astro-ph/0604206 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1314. J. Sadeghi and A. Asadi,
Factorization Method and Stability of ϕ4 and Sine - Gordon Theory
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 33(2007), 547-553  [abstract]   
1315. B. Chandrasekhar,
Born-Infeld Corrections to the Entropy Function Of Hetetoric Black Holes
Braz J Phys 37(2007), 349-357  [abstract] link: hep-th/0604028 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1316. M. Heidari Saani, M.A. Vesaghi, K. Esfarjani and A. Shafiekhani,
Generalized Hubbard Model for Many-electron States of Diamond Vacancies: A non CI approach
Physica Status Solidi B 243(2006), 1269-1275  [abstract]   
1317. D. Ahmady, A.A. Sabouri dodran, M. Farjam and A. Babazadeh ,
Numerical Solution of the Thomas- Fermi Equation for Half- Space Jellium and Quarterspace Ellium Metal Edges
The Proceedings of The 8th National Condensed Matter Physics, 2006, p351-3556, Mashad, Iran
1318. A.A. Sabouri-Dodaran, Ch. Bellin, A. Haji Malek, N. Naghdiani and G. Loupias ,
Electronic Structure and Bonding Properties in Cu2O
The Proceedings of The 8th National Condensed Matter Physics, 2006, p373-376, Mashad,Iran
1319. A. Shafiee, M. Jafar-Aghdami and M. Golshani,
A Critique of Mohrhoff's Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Stud. Hist. Phil. Mod. Phys. 37(2006), 316-329  [abstract]   
1320. M. Dehghani and A. Shirzad,
The Reduced Phase Space of An Open String in The Background B-Field
Eur. Phys. J. C 48(2006),   [abstract] link: hep-th/0511248 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by

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