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  [Search Papers]
2081. M.A. Jafarizadeh,
Hierarchy of Critical Exponents of Currents on (d+1) Simplex Fractals
Eur. Phys. J. B 4(1998), 103-112  [abstract]   
2082. B. Maraghechi and S. Mirzanejhad,
Injection into The Wiggler in Free Electron Laser Using Tapered Axial Magnetic Field
Phys. Plasmas 5(1998), 2818-2820  [abstract]   
2083. M.A. Jafarizadeh and H. Fakhri,
Parasupersymmetry and Shape Invariance in Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics and Quantum Mechanics
Ann. Phys. 262(1998), 260-276  [abstract]   
2084. D.D. Tskhakaya, A. Tavakoli and L. Hadzievski,
The Rayleigh-Taylor Instability of the Finite Width Density Transition Layer
19th Summer School and International Symposium on the physics of Ionized Gases (19th SPIG), 753-756
2085. A. Tavakoli and D.D. Tskhakaya,
The Rayleigh-Taylor Instability of Density Transition Layer
1998 ICPP & 25th EPS Conf. On Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics, Praha, 29 June-3 July. ECA, Vol. 22C (1998) 2121-2124
[abstract] link: physics/9802011 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
2086. H. Hakimi Pajouh and N.L. Tsintsadze,
Nonlinear Dynamicsof A Broad Spectrum of Relativistically Intense Electromagnetic Waves in Overdense Plasmas
Physica Scripta T75(1998), 120-124  [abstract]   
2087. E. Abdalla and M.R. Rahimi Tabar,
Phase Transition in A Self-Gravitating Planar Gas
Phys. Lett. B 440(1998), 339-344  [abstract] link: hep-th/9803161 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
2088. M.A. Jafarizadeh, F. Darabi and A.R. Rastegar,
On the Duru-Klienert Path Integral in Quantum Cosmology
Phys. Lett. A 248(1998), 19-24  [abstract] link: gr-qc/9811080 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
2089. M.A. Jafarizadeh, A. Adibi and A. Rostami,
Dependence of Non-Classical Behavior of OPI Hamiltonian on the Strenght of Coherence of Initial Light
Indian J. Phys. B 72(1998), 643-653  [abstract]   
2090. M.A. Jafarizadeh and S.K. Seyed Yaghoobi,
An Investigation into the Determination of Critical Dimension of Self-Avoiding Random Walk on A D-Dimensional Simplex Fractal
Eur. Phys. J. B 7(1998), 429-437  [abstract]   

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