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  [Search Papers]
101. S. H. Asadpour, T. Kirova, H.R. Hamedi, V. Yannopapas and E. Paspalakis,
Azimuthal dependence of electromagnetically induced grating in a double V-type atomic system near a plasmonic nanostructure
Eur. Phys. J. plus 138(2023), 1-12  [abstract]   
102. S.N. Sajadi,
Holographic anisotropic background in 5D Einstien-Gauss-Bonnet gravity
Eur. Phys. J. C 83(2023), 89  [abstract]   
103. S. S. Mirkhalaf, M. Mehboudi, Z. Nafari Qaleh and S. Rahimi-Keshari,
Operational significance of nonclassicality in nonequilibrium Gaussian quantum thermometry
New Journal of Physics 26(2024), 023046  [abstract] link: 2207.10742 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ad23a1
104. M. Zartab, E. Shojaee and S. Rahimi-Keshari,
Filter functions for the Glauber-Sudarshan $P$-function regularization
Phys. Rep. 107(2023), 053706  [abstract] link: 2206.05594 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
105. J. T. Firouzjaee,
Relativistic redshift of light and its implication for astrophysical objects
New Astronomy 101(2023), 102011  [abstract]   
106. S. Fakhry, Z. Salehnia, A. Shirmohammadi, M. Ghodsi Yengejeh and J. T. Firouzjaee,
Compact Binary Merger Rate in Dark-Matter Spikes
  (Preprint) [abstract] link: 2301.02349 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
107. S. Fakhry, S.S. Tabasi and J. T. Firouzjaee,
On the Merger Rate of Primordial Black Holes in Cosmic Voids
  (inProgress) [abstract] link: 2210.13558 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
108. M. Ghodsi Yengejeh, S. Fakhry, J. T. Firouzjaee and H. Fathi,
The integrated Sachs–Wolfe effect in interacting dark matter–dark energy models
Phys. Dark Univ. 39(2023), 101144  [abstract] link: 2206.01030 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
109. S.S. Tabasi and J. T. Firouzjaee,
A new constraint on the Hawking evaporation of primordial black holes in the radiation-dominated era
(2023),   [abstract] link: 2112.02818 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
110. J. T. Firouzjaee,
Energy condition and cosmic censorship conjecture in the perfect fluid collapse
Gen Relativ Gravit 55(2023), 38  [abstract]   
DOI: 10.1007/s10714-023-03073-z

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