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  [Search Papers]
1651. M.R. Garousi,
Off-Shell Extension of S-Matrix Elements and Tachyonic Effective Actions
JHEP 04(2003), 027  [abstract] link: hep-th/0303239 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1652. H. Eshraghi,
On the Vortex Dynamics in Fully Relativistic Plasmas
Phys. Plasmas 10(2003), 3577-3583  [abstract]   
1653. S. Atashbar, Ali N. Khorramian and A. Mirjalili,
Direct Extraction of Polarized Parton Distributions in the Valon Model, Using Brenstein Polynomials
  (Preprint) [abstract]   
1654. M. Alishahiha and M.H. Yavartanoo,
On The Multi Trace Superpotential and Corresponding Matrix Model
Eur. Phys. J. C 32(2004), 575-582   [abstract] link: hep-th/0303074 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1655. F. Shojai,
Towards A General Covariant Quantum Gravity
  (Preprint) [abstract]   
1656. H. Fakhri and A. Imaanpur,
Dirac Operator on Fuzzy AdS2
JHEP 03(2003), 003  [abstract] link: hep-th/0302154 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1657. A.A. Saharian and M.R. Setare,
Casimir Densities for A Spherical Shell in the Global Monopole Background
Classical Quant. Grav. 20(2003), 3765-3782  [abstract] link: hep-th/0302053 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1658. R. Abbaspur, A. Imaanpur and S. Parvizi,
N=2 SO(N) SYM Theory from Matrix Model
JHEP 07(2003), 043  [abstract] link: hep-th/0302083 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1659. M. Alishahiha and Amir E. Mosaffa,
Semiclassical String Solutions on Deformed NS5-Brane Backgrounds And New Plane Wave
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 19(2004), 2755-2770  [abstract] link: hep-th/0302005 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1660. M.R. Setare,
Casimir Effect in Domain Wall Formation
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 18(2003), 4285  [abstract] link: hep-th/0301202 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by

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