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1181. B. Maraghechi and A. Kordbacheh,
Response to Comment on Relativistic Raman Backscattering Theory with Application in Free-Electron Lasers with Helical Wiggler and Axial Magnetic Field
Phys. Plasmas 12(2005), 014702  [abstract]   
1182. B. Jazi and B. Shokri,
Excitation of Electromagnetic Surface Waves by An Annular Electron Beam in A Plasma Waveguide with A Dielectric Rod and A Magnetized Plasma Column
Plasma Phys Contr Fus. 47(2005), 37-47  [abstract]   
1183. S. Rahvar and S. Ghassemi,
Constraining Galactic Models Through Parallax and Astrometry of Microlensing Events
Astronomy & Astrophysics 438(2005), 153-157  [abstract] link: astro-ph/0412332 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1184. M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari and M. Torabian,
Classification of all 1/2 BPS Solutions of the Tiny Graviton Matrix Theory
JHEP 04(2005), 001  [abstract] link: hep-th/0501001 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1185. Y. Farzan,
Effects of the Neutrino B-Term on the Higgs Mass Parameters and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
JHEP 025(2005), 02  [abstract] link: hep-ph/0411358 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1186. M. Monemzadeh and A. Shirzad,
BFT Method for Mixed Constrained Systems and Chern-Simons Theory
Phys. Rev. D 72(2005), 045004  [abstract] link: hep-th/0401230 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1187. M. Alishahiha, A. Ghodsi and A.E. Mosaffa,
On Isolated Conformal Fixed Points and Noncritical String Theory
JHEP 01(2005), 017  [abstract] link: hep-th/0411087 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1188. H. Abbasi and H. Hakimi Pajouh,
Beyond the Paraxial Approximation in Laser Plasma Interaction
Physica Scripta T116(2005), 110-112  [abstract]   
1189. M. Heidari Saani, M.A. Vesaghi, K. Esfarjani, T. Ghodselahi, M. Saiari, H. Hashemi and N. Gorjizadeh,
Lattice Relaxation in Many Electron States of the Diamond Vacancy
Phys. Rev. B 71(2005), 035202  [abstract]   
1190. S. Atashbar Tehrani, Ali N. Khorramian and A. Mirjalili,
QCD Predictions for Spin Dependence of Parton Distributions
Commun Theor Phys 43(2005), 1087-1098  [abstract]   

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