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1351. M. Alishahiha, J. de Boer, Amir E. Mosaffa and J. Wijnhout,
N=1 G2 SYM theory and Compactification to Three Dimensions
JHEP 09(2003), 066  [abstract] link: hep-th/0308120 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1352. A. Fahmi and M. Golshani,
Locality, Bell's Inequality and the GHZ Theorem
Phys. Lett. A 306(2003), 259-264  [abstract]   
1353. K. Krebs, F. Jafarpour and G.M. Schutz,
Microscopic Structure of Travelling Wave Solutions in A Class of Stochastic Interacting Particle Systems
New J. Phys. 5(2003), 145-1-14  [abstract] link: cond-mat/0307680 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1354. D. Kamani,
Noncommutativity and Its Freedoms due to the PP-Wave and Background Gauge Fields
Mod. Phys. Lett. A 18(2003), 2125-2133   [abstract]   
1355. O. Akhavan, A.T. Rezakhani and M. Golshani,
Quantum Dense Coding by Spatial State Entanglement
Phys. Lett. A 313(2003), 261-266  [abstract] link: quant-ph/0305118 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1356. R. Asgari, M. Polini, B. Davoudi and M.P. Tosi,
Correlation Energy of A Two-Dimensional Electron Gas from Static and Dynamic Exchange-Correlation Kernels
Phys. Rev. B 68(2003), 235116-1-6   [abstract] link: cond-mat/0307416 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1357. M.R. Garousi,
S-Matrix Elements and Off-Shell Tachyon Action with Non-Abelian Gauge Symmetry
JHEP 12(2003), 036  [abstract] link: hep-th/0307197 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1358. M.R. Setare,
Trace Anomaly and Backreaction of the Dynamical Casimir Effect
Gen. Relat. Gravit. 35(2003), 2279-2286  [abstract] link: hep-th/0205081 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1359. R. Abbaspur,
Realization of Central Charges in Theories with Generalized Noncommutative Supersymmetry
JHEP 05(2003), 023  [abstract]   
1360. B. Farrokhi, Z. Family and B. Maraghechi,
Three-Dimensional Raman Free Electron Laser in A Waveguide with Annular Electron Beam
Phys. Plasmas 10(2003), 2566-2573  [abstract]   

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