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951. M. Heidari Saani, H. Hashemi, A. Ranjbar, M.A. Vesaghi and A. Shafiekhani,
Explanation of atomic displacement around lattice vacancies in diamond based on electron delocalization
Eur. Phys. J. B 65(2008), 219-223  [abstract]   
952. T. Ghodselahi, M.A. Vesaghi, A. Shafiekhani, A. Baghizadeh and M. Lameii,
XPS Study of the Cu@Cu2O Core-Shell Nanoparticles
Appl. Surf. Sci. 255(2008), 2730-2734  [abstract]   
953. Y. Farzan, T. Schwetz and A.Y. Smirnov,
Reconciling Results of LSND, MiniBooNE and Other Experiments with Soft Decoherence
JHEP 07(2008), 067  [abstract] link: arXiv:0805.2098 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
954. Y. Farzan and A.Y. Smirnov,
Coherence and Oscillations of Cosmic Neutrinos
Nucl. Phys. B 805(2008), 356-376  [abstract] link: arXiv:0803.0495 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
955. F . Chen and H. Firouzjahi,
Dynamics of D3-D7 Brane Inflation in Throats
JHEP 11(2008), 017  [abstract] link: arXiv:0807.2817 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
956. S.V. Mousavi and M. Golshani,
Causal Description of The Interaction of A Two-Level Atom with A Classical Field
Physica Scripta 78(2008), 035007  [abstract]   
957. M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari,
A New Three-Algebra Representation for the N=6 su(N)Xsu(N) Superconformal Chern-Simons Theory
JHEP 12(2008), 111  [abstract] link: arXiv:0810.3782 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
958. M. Alishahiha and S. Mukhi,
Higher-Derivative 3-Algebras
JHEP 10(2008), 032  [abstract] link: arXiv:0808.3067 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
959. S.V. Mousavi and M. Golshani,
Bohmian Approach to Spin-Dependent Time of Arrival for Particles in a Uniform Field and for Particles Passing Through a Barrier
J. Phys. A 41(2008), 375304  [abstract]   
960. J. Abouie and S. Mahdavifar,
A Signature for the Luttinger Liquid Phase in Alternating Heisenberg Spin-1/2 Chains
Phys. Rev. B 78(2008), 184437  [abstract] link: arXiv:0811.0880 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by

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