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541. S. Abdolghaderi, B. Astinchap and A. Shafiekhani,
Electrical percolation threshold in Ag-DLC nanocomposite films prepared by RF-sputtering and RF-PECVD in acetylene plasma
J. Mat. Sci. 27(2016), 6713-6  [abstract]   
542. N. Bafandeh, M. Mojtahedzadeh Larijani, A. Shafiekhani, M.R. Hantehzadeh and N. Sheikh,
Synthesis of polyaniline films: case study on post gamma irradiation dose
J. Mat. Sci. 27(2016), 10566-10572  [abstract]   
543. N. Bafandeh, M.M. Larijani, A. Shafiekhani, M.R. Hantehzadeh and N. Sheikh,
Effects of Contents of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes in Polyaniline Films on Optical and Electrical Properties of Polyaniline
Chinese Physics Letters 33(2016), 117801  [abstract]   
544. S.A. Jafari and F. Shahbazi,
Exactly solvable spin chain models corresponding to BDI class of topological superconductors
Scientific Reports 6(2016), 32720  [abstract]   
545. E. Adibi and S.A. Jafari,
Strong-coupling approach to Mott transition of massless and massive Dirac fermions on honeycomb lattice
Phys. Rev. B 93(2016), 075122  [abstract]   
546. S. Sadeghian and H. Yavartanoo,
Black rings in U(1)3 supergravity and their dual 2d CFT
Classical Quant. Grav. 33(2016), 095006  [abstract]   
547. S. Sadeghian and A. Shafiekhani,
Extremal charged Vaidya and its near horizon geometry
Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 26(2016), 1750036  [abstract]   
548. B. Borgheai and M. Golshani,
A Bergsonian Approach toward Phenomenal Externalism: Rendering Unity
Filosofiska Notiser 3(2016), 61-78  [abstract]   
549. N. Farkhari, S. Abbasian, A. Moshaii and M. Nikkhah,
Mechanism of Adsorption of Single and Double Stranded DNA on Gold and Silver Nanoparticles: Investigating Some Important Parameters in Bio-sensing Applications
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 148(2016), 657-664  [abstract]   
550. R. Bahramian, H. Eshghi and A. Moshaii,
Influence of annealing temperature on morphological, optical and UV detection properties of ZnO nanowires grown by chemical bath deposition
Materials & Design 107(2016), 269-276  [abstract]   

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