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421. H. Mosadeq and R. Asgari,
Two-leg ladder systems with dipole-dipole Fermion interactions
J. Physics: Condens. Matter 30(2018), 205601(11p)  [abstract]   
422. J. Ahmed, R. A. Hennigar, R. B. Mann and M. Mir,
Quintessential quartic quasi-topological quartet
JHEP 134(2017), 05  [abstract] link: 1703.11007 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
DOI: 10.1007/JHEP05(2017)134
423. M. Alishahiha, A. Faraji Astaneh, A. Naseh and M.H. Vahidinia,
On complexity for F (R) and critical gravity
JHEP 1705(2017), 009  [abstract]   
DOI: 10.1007/JHEP05(2017)009
424. X. Bekaert, J. Mourad and M. Najafizadeh,
Continuous-spin field propagator and interaction with matter
JHEP 11(2017), 113  [abstract] link: 1710.05788 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
425. H.R. Afshar, D. Grumiller, W. Merbis, A. Perez, D. Tempo and R. Troncoso,
Soft hairy horizons in three spacetime dimensions
Phys. Rev. D 95(2017), 106005  [abstract] link: 1611.09783 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
426. A. Dabirian, A. Lachowitz, J.W. Schautuff, B. Paviot-Salomon, A. Hessler-Wyser, M. Morales-Masis, M. Despeise and C. Balli,
Metallization of Si heterojunction solar cells by nanosecond laser ablation and Ni-Cu plating
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 159(2017), 243  [abstract]   
427. A. Dabirian, M. Morales-Masis, F.J. Haug, S. De Wolf and C. Ballif,
Optical Evaluation of the Rear Contacts of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells by Coupled Electromagnetic and Statistical Ray-Optics Modelling
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 7(3)(2017), 718-726  [abstract]   
428. S.S. Agaev, K. Azizi and H. Sundu,
The structure, mixing angle, mass and couplings of the light scalar f0(500) and f0(980) mesons
Phys. Lett. B 781(2017), 279-282  [abstract] link: 1711.11553 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
429. M.R. Tanhayi,
Thermalization of mutual information in hyperscaling violating backgrounds
JHEP 03(2017), 202  [abstract]   
430. F. Rahmani and M. Golshani,
Some Clarifications on the Relation Between Bohmian Quantum Potential and Mach's Principle
Int. J. Theor. Phys. 56(2017), 3096-3107  [abstract]   

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