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1071. M.S . Yaghmaee and B. Shokri,
Effect of Size on Bulk and Surface Cohesion Energy of Metallic Nano-Particles
Smart Mater. Struct 16(2007), 349-354  [abstract]   
1072. A.R. Niknam and B. Shokri,
Low-Frequency Temperature-Dependent Plasma Discharge Instabilities in the Presence of External Constant Electric and Magnetic Fields
J. Plasma Phys. 73(2007), 1-12  [abstract]   
1073. S. H. Abedinpour, R. Asgari , M. Polini and M. P. Tosi,
Analytic Theory of Pair Distribution Functions in Symmetric Electron-Electron and Electron-Hole Bilayers
Solid State Commun. 144(2007), 65-69  [abstract] link: cond-mat/0702329 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1074. S.Y . Ayazi and Y. Farzan,
Electron Electric Dipole Moment from Lepton Flavor Violation
JHEP 06(2007), 013  [abstract] link: hep-ph/0702149 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1075. Y. Farzan,
Tracing CP-violation in Lepton Flavor Violating Muon Decays
JHEP 07(2007), 054  [abstract] link: hep-ph/0701106 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1076. Y. Barlas, T. Pereg-Barnea, M . Polini, R. Asgari and A.H. MacDonald,
Chirality and Correlations in Graphene
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98(2007), 236601  [abstract]   
1077. V. Bashiry and K. Azizi,
The Effects of Fourth Generation on the Total Branching Ratio and the Lepton Polarization in λb → λl+l Decay
JHEP 07(2007), 064  [abstract]   
1078. A. Shirzad,
Perfect and Imperfect Gauge Fixing
J. Math. Phys. 48(2007), 082303  [abstract] link: hep-th/0609145 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
1079. R. Asgari, A. Esmailian and B. Tanatar,
Effective Electron-Electron Interactions and Magnetic Phase Transition in A Two-Dimensional Electron Liquid
Solid State Commun. 141(2007), 595-599  [abstract]   
1080. M. Torabian,
Matrix Model for DLCQ of AdS IIB String Theory from Unstable Non-BPS D0-Branes
Phys. Rev. D 76(2007), 026006  [abstract] link: hep-th/0701046 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by

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